Provider according to § 5 Tele Media Act
Apollo Capital Partners GmbH
Danziger Straße 2
D-85386 Eching
Commercial register and VAT-ID
Register court: Amtsgericht München HRB 123647
VAT-ID: DE 198612108
Legal form: GmbH
Responsible according to § 55 para. 2 RStV
Apollo Capital Partners GmbH
Danziger Straße 2
D-85386 Eching
Phone: +49 821 / 50 5-01
Fax: +49 89 / 59 98 86-25
Email: info@apollopartners.de
Web: www.apollocapitalpartners.de
Data Protection
Apollo Partners GmbH attaches key importance to preserving data protection. For this reason, we process personal data collected when you visit our website in accordance with the provisions of the German Federal Data Protection Act and the German Telemedia Act.
As standard practice, our web servers store the IP address, the browser version, the user’s operating system, the pages and files which the visitor accesses on our site, the call and error codes sent and the referring URL including the time and date whenever our website is visited. This data is stored solely for the purposes of ensuring and maintaining due and proper Internet operations. This data is not disclosed to any third parties.
We also store any personal data which you voluntarily disclose to us during your visit to our website (e.g. your e-mail address in a contact form). We use your data solely for the purpose for which you give it to us. You may revoke your consent at any time. This data is only disclosed to third parties without your consent if we are under any statutory obligation to do so.
On request, we will inform you immediately if any of your personal data has been stored and, if so, what data this is. For this purpose, please contact the data protection officer stated below by e-mail or ordinary mail. On request, we will amend or delete your data if it is incorrect in spite of our efforts to avoid any errors and omissions.
We take all reasonable technical and organizational precautions to avoid accidental or deliberate manipulation, loss or destruction of data or unauthorized access.
If you have any questions or comments concerning Apollo Partners GmbH data protection policy, please contact our data protection officer at the following address:
Apollo Capital Partners GmbH
Danziger Straße 2
D-85386 Eching
Phone: +49 821 / 50 5-01
Fax: +49 89 / 59 98 86-25
Email: info@apollopartners.de
Web: www.apollocapitalpartners.de
Apollo Capital Partners GmbH assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in the content included on this website. All liability particularly for incidental or consequential loss or damage incurred in connection with the use of this web site is excluded.
The content and structure of this website is protected by copyright law In the absence of any indication to the contrary, the information and data, particularly texts, parts of texts and pictorial material may only be reproduced with the prior approval of Apollo Capital Partners GmbH.
Design & Realization
WebMen Internet Dresden GmbH